Thursday, October 30, 2008


As another night shift draws to a close, sometimes I get to thinking that maybe working day shift would be better. Although I love the people that I work with on night shift, sometimes I think that it would just be nice to be normal once again. You know sleeping when other people sleep and thus being awake when other people are awake.

Since this is the last of my three shifts, I now have to decide how to go about my day tomorrow. Do I stay up and try to get as much done as possible before passing out. Do I take a short nap and try to get up around 12 or so. Or the last option, do I go to sleep and wake up when I wake up? All options have their positives and negatives, but I can never decide which would be the best option. Does anyone have any suggestions from their prior experience? I just hate feeling like I have wasted one of my days off by sleeping the day away. On the other hand, I hate the feeling of trying desperately to stay awake when all I want to do is sleep.

I think the drive home is what really kills me! I literally HAVE to be talking to someone for at least 90% of my drive home in order to stay awake and alert. Opening the window, turning on the air conditioner, blasting the radio...all those things that are supossed to help you stay awake do nothing for me. One of my greatest fears is that one day I would be so tired that I would fall asleep at the wheel and be involved in an accident. Thus, I call people and get them to talk to me (Thanks, Jon, Kristan, and Dad for always being there to listen to my ramblings!!!)I have been so tired before after getting off of a night shift that I have actually crawled into my back seat and slept for 2-3 hours while in the hospital parking garage(only 1 or 2 times). I just wonder what passer bys think when they see a nurse all curled up and sleeping in the back of a car?.... So, if you ever feel like you want to talk to someone between about 7:30 and 9am Denver time, I am your girl. Feel free to call me and chat about whatever!!!!

(Some of you are now probably wondering why I have the time to post on my blog while at work...well the answer to that is that I am preceptoring a new nurse. Amy is doing AWESOME and thus is taking complete care of our 6 patients. She is a rockstar and although I help her out with small things, she is very capapble on her own, and thus leaves little for me to do besides help other nurses, stock, and other fun things like that. The bad part of this is that the nights seem to D...R...A...G on, thus making me more tired...thus making me feel more like sleeping the day away once I get home...thus making my decision on how to spend tomorrow all the more difficult. BUT, GREAT JOB AMY!!! You are going to be a great nuse and I am so glad that you have joined the team!!!!!(tonight was Amy's last day on orientation. So watch out...she is on her own from now on!!))

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Hey Kourtney.. Of course I remember you! It was fun to see your blog. I sent you a invite to my blog so let me know if you didn't get one I am a nurse as well so I know how graveyard shifts feel.. Its preparing you for when you have kids :)